


Open window glows: caring attitudes bestow, knowledge, skills aglow. Secret window hides, unknown character resides, preserved to survive. Blind windows discern, deep issues of your concern, well known…

Frost bites memory. White, uneven, tiny, thorns: prick or numb a past. Frost makes my ears numb. Little, whittle, apathy, slippery disgrace. Frosty trace glacé, unlace dispensable…

Close doors for abuse. Offenders are unwelcome. Disagree with tact. Close doors for gossips. Toxic polemic mongers. Useless attention. Close doors for liars. You can’t trust their feigned…

You tend to see me from a past you remember. Selective choices. Perceptive actions, Historical impact plays: decision making. You tell what matters for you and some other…

Polemics diffused. Life issues, lies magnified. Truth will hit you hard. Truth can be denied, Distorted and vilified, Lying critics rise. Love for motherland? Diffusion through cyber lies.…

Petals have fallen. Undeniable ending. Graceful memory. We shall all be gone. Love and joy shared counted most. Acceptance, respect. Time won’t wait for you. You’re…

Problems are buried. Solutions are being mocked. Haters are useless. Remove mist of lies, You hold unparalleled truth. Fight evil venom. Sad, ungrateful hearts. Viral, toxic…

I observe that many abusive netizens and insidious individuals kidnap the truth. Their hatred and calumny spread, feeding disinformations like daily toxic bread, feeding fallaciousness to the unread.…