
Angelica Hopes


Cyber Evil World The Cyber Bullies thrive in their oppressive games: emotional pains. The Cyber Sadists: succeed to make you suffer: emotionally. Cyber Terrorists: destroy, hack, your privacy,…

An evil person’s or a criminal destiny call: Destiny brings you: to answer for your past crimes. Criminal conscience? Destiny whispers: your lies shall end very soon. Unmatched…

Stones of ignorance, Stones of stupidity thrown. Stones of knowledge quell. Stones of jealousy. Stones of self-centered fame whores. Humble stones conquer. Stones of gossipers. Stones of mean,…

Goodbye politics, You’re as dirty as time ticks. Rare honesty pricks. Farewell to gossips. Social media toxic grips. Valuable hours flipped. Farewell to tattlers. Shallow life, useless gossips.…

Doormat of abuse, ignored by society. Egoism reigns. Doormat of killings, injustice, impunity, Fear silenced many. Filthy corruption. Doormat of fearful silence: art of survival? Doormats of looped…

Open window glows: caring attitudes bestow, knowledge, skills aglow. Secret window hides, unknown character resides, preserved to survive. Blind windows discern, deep issues of your concern, well known…

Frost bites memory. White, uneven, tiny, thorns: prick or numb a past. Frost makes my ears numb. Little, whittle, apathy, slippery disgrace. Frosty trace glacé, unlace dispensable…

Close doors for abuse. Offenders are unwelcome. Disagree with tact. Close doors for gossips. Toxic polemic mongers. Useless attention. Close doors for liars. You can’t trust their feigned…

You tend to see me from a past you remember. Selective choices. Perceptive actions, Historical impact plays: decision making. You tell what matters for you and some other…