One of our greatest fears as migrants living so far away from your loved one is to receive that dreaded news that one of our family member or…
A brave, patient heart, a determined, resourceful mind, and a strong-willed, persevering, tenacious spirit help you swim through an ocean of challenges. Everyone who has been a full-time…
Respect, compassion and empathy are vital keys for a heart, mind and soul to beat without discrimination. What does discrimination serve?How can a sensitive heart cope? Finding solitude…
Dear Readers, Welcome to my pages of A Taste of Healthier Living. Most of my dishes are saltless (no added salt), sugarless (no added sugar), hearth-healthy, diabetic friendly,…
Buona fortuna, Il salice piangente. Vicino l’acqua. Flessibilità, gioia e vitalità, una crescita. Le sue foglie, lunghe, verde, argento. La vita nuova. Viti cadenti, L’umiltà, la pazienza. Porta…
Sharing you an acrostic poem I wrote for all Resilient Filipino Migrants and Filipino Overseas Foreign Workers Resilient Filipino Migrants ~ an acrostic poem by Ana Angelica Abaya…
“She’s the Best To Lead” Tall grasses can hide:Croaking frogs, snakes, worms, ticks, flies.Lies that cons inflict. Gently sway and dance,Blowing wind that chants: “balance.”Humble, honest hearts. Hushing…
Cara Lumaca,ti ho visto muovere.Sei molto lenta. In ogni passo,la tua persistenza,striscia saggezza. In ogni mosso,non perde la pazienza,il calmo, forza. Il tuo buon cuore,aiuta ed onesto,l’anima brava.…
Life Unfolds New Year White Amaryllis Bulb Crocus Amaryllis Ciao Amarilli Red Amaryllis Magnolia Croaking Maanghot na Alias Brie Meow Machiavellian Breeze Thorny Lies Honourable Breeze Tulipa Purissima…