Tulip of Joy You are happiness. Unique goodness permeates. Lasting gentle glow. ~ Angelica Hopes, haiku Tulip of Confidence Experiences learned. Flourish into unique growth. Strength. Patience.…
Welcome to my flourishing world of Haiku . . . Petals of goodness. Ray of values to live by. Bright light shines from heart. ~ Angelica Hopes, haiku
Welcome to my flourishing world of Haiku . . . Fresh beginning breathes. Honest, holistic changes. Will you go for it? ~ Angelica Hopes, Behavioural Haiku
Some are clean water. Many drowned in mud of lies. Quicksand: truth or lies? – Angelica Hopes, haiku Alcuni sono di acqua pulita. Molti annegati nel fango delle…
Coffee wakes me up. Write the whispering voices. Hearts come home in words. Words breathing in books. Leave marks in our mind and heart, Coffee uncoil thoughts. ~…