Change your opinions, keep to your principles; change your leaves, keep intact your roots. 
~ Victor Hugo

When it comes to dirty politicians, unscrupulous political movers, dishonest political advisers, fraudster political strategists, swindlers, fake needy deceptive opportunistic political friends, and scammer political consultants, be curious and be a critical thinker to ask on the same lines:

Who stands to gain?

Who is making money?

Who is receiving gifts of any kind?

Who is taking advantage of whom?

Who travels for many months to various countries every year for two or three years and asks for political funding from NGOs abroad, from overseas foreign workers, from immigrants, migrants, expats, and emigrants, overseas foreign workers, and subjected some donors to slander, bullying, blackmail, dehumanisation, and libel?

Who are these financial-political solicitors of funds who verbally, psychologically, and emotionally abuse others through threats, blackmail, and forgery when committing group political narcissist bullying, slander, libel, dehumanisation, digital aggression, smear, and habitual financial, verbal, psychological and emotional abuse?

Who is the one hiding in many aliases while asking for political funds?

Who are the dirty politicians, political parties, organisations, and foundations who benefit from the lies and smears committed by these unscrupulous political movers?

Who revels and pretends to be a lawyer with “honourable breeze,” who pretends to be a man, who pretends to be an immigration officer while asking for funds around the globe?

Who are the former victims of such political and financial scammers?

What did the abusive financial and political scammer do to silence and traumatise “her” other scammed and abused victims more than a decade ago?

Who are the ones who concocted, produced, promoted, financed and diffused the smear campaign videos?

Can they be held liable for her forgery, identity theft, slander, fraud, scams, swindling, vilification, bullying and cyber libel?

What are the current names and aliases of these Machiavellian manipulators, financial-political scammers, unscrupulous political movers, dishonest and destructive political strategists who troll, bully, shame, smear, spread destructive lies, dehumanise, mass report social media accounts, ask for political funding using many aliases, do mob lynching, incite hate and divisiveness, commit libel, slander, digital aggressions and smear campaigns?

Wherein these Machiavellian manipulators are the ones who used to asked political funding in the past and had been spreading the smear campaign videos.

Why are these habitual offenders protected by current or former dirty politicians who committed libel and slander and former dirty politicians who have ongoing court cases on slander, malversation of funds, incitement to sedition, and libel?

Who controls who, to protect what, as they reverse their fiasco, frame up others, blame others, intimidate, threaten, and blackmail others, and only float their revised/improvised and forged data. Still, they knew the layer of lies and deceptions they concocted, the smear and black propaganda, along with their endless mudslinging toxic patterns as these serve their dirty politicians and their political agenda.

Be wise to spot the confidential games, dark manipulation, gaslighting, smear campaigns, bribery, deceptions, brainwashing, god-syndrome ways and power play, mind games, lies of omission, influence, and commission, the cunning ways of con artists, political swindlers, saboteurs, agitators, provocateurs, group narcissist bullies, unscrupulous political strategists, deceptive political consultants, corrupt politicians, dehumanisers, and their web of Machiavellian manipulators.

© Ana Angelica Abaya van Doorn

Ana Angelica Abaya van Doorn writing as Angelica Hopes 📚 My E-books are available on Apple Books


Philippine-born Swiss author, poet, memoirist, aphorist, ghostwriter, multi-genre novelist, freelance writer, Indie author, publisher, and an Italian-English translator. Dedicated mother & loving wife, and a multi-lingual travel and nutritarian diet enthusiast. I love to read, write, listen to audio-books, cook, bake, reach out, and travel. Ana Angelica Abaya van Doorn Nom de plume: Angelica Hopes

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