Cara Lumaca,
ti ho visto muovere.
Sei molto lenta.

In ogni passo,
la tua persistenza,
striscia saggezza.

In ogni mosso,
non perde la pazienza,
il calmo, forza.

Il tuo buon cuore,
aiuta ed onesto,
l’anima brava.

Le altre cose,
e diverse persone,
poi ti schiacciano.

Pian pianino vai,
vai sano e lontano,
fino al cielo.

I tuoi sussurri:
“luce della verità,

I tuoi consigli,
Non sparire. Coraggio!
La verità va!

Dal cielo vedi.
la verità trionfa,
anche da sola.

~ Angelica Hopes, una citazione dal mio libro di poesia, haiku, “Si svolge la vita”

Translation of my Italian haiku poem, La Lumaca

Dear Snail,
I saw you move,
you’re very slow.

In every step,
your perseverance,
wisdom crawls.

In every movement,
don’t lose patience,
the calmness strengthens.

Your good heart,
Helps. Honest.
Good soul.

The other matters,
and various persons,
crushed you.

Slowly, very slowly you crawl,
go healthy and go far,
until in heaven.

Your whispers:
“Light of truth:
Unveil it!”

Your advice,
“Don’t disappear! Be courageous!”
The truth goes.

From heaven you see,
the truth triumphs,
even when alone.

~ Angelica Hopes, English translation of my Italian haiku “La Lumaca,” The Snail, an excerpt from my behavioural haiku, poetry book, Life Unfolds


Philippine-born Swiss author, poet, memoirist, aphorist, ghostwriter, multi-genre novelist, freelance writer, Indie author, publisher, and an Italian-English translator. Dedicated mother & loving wife, and a multi-lingual travel and nutritarian diet enthusiast. I love to read, write, listen to audio-books, cook, bake, reach out, and travel. Ana Angelica Abaya van Doorn Nom de plume: Angelica Hopes

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