Your silence on times of corruption and deception of others means:
1. You become an accomplice of the cycles of abuse of the habitual offenders, the opportunistic financial parasite political harridans, repetitive perpetrators and the abusers.
2. You empower the habitual offenders, the opportunistic financial parasite political harridans, repetitive perpetrators and the abusers.
3. You prefer to consume the pathological lies of the habitual offenders, the opportunistic financial parasite political harridans, repetitive perpetrators and the abusers.
4. You benefit from the lies and opportunism, either directly or indirectly committed by the habitual offenders, the opportunistic financial parasite political harridans, repetitive perpetrators and the abusers.
5. You can be loaded with guilt, a paranoia of fear, apathy or indifference to an ethical way of living, moral justice as you flexibly redefine honesty and truth according to your agenda and benefits
6. You maybe scared and don’t know how to go about it, or how to let the truth come out, and you choose to safeguard your privacy, life, safety or other personal “uncorrupted” reasons.
Remember these:
- The truth is stronger than any propaganda
- The truth is stronger than any lies.
- The truth shall always triumph against the lies and the liars
- The truth emerges despite your deafening silence. Secrets, lies and truth however hidden, buried, and twisted shall always eventually come out. You can destroy secrets and lies but you can never destroy the truth.
Sharing some tips based from my personal worst experiences when it comes to having encountered, being used and abused by a Political Financial Parasite or a Political Financial Scammer, and Financial Political Scammer Parasitic and Habitually Abusive Harridans based in many countries, from 2017 to 2019.

“A political, financial scammer asks copy of your passport, but she never tells you her real full name. She would also ask a copy of your husband’s passport as her excuse by saying that it is part of the protocol because of her very important political houseguests, which needs free car services she asks and begs from you and urgently demands from you.
She would like to know more about you, but she never tells about herself. She has a way of digging details about your life when she assesses your financial capacity, your savings, your way of living, your source of income, how much you earn if you have a job and or when you are working from home or self-employed.
She carefully watches your weaknesses, like your political naivety, good and righteous, helpful, obedient, subservient, docile character, forgiving and soft-hearted and generous, forgiving character, your former or current civil status as she would twist facts of family issues that she learned about you to make you appear a crazy person, and she would use that in the future to shame you.
A political, financial scammer who is an expert in reversals calumny: she would accuse you of being a boastful fame whore, or a show-off when she realises you are more intellectually gifted than her.
She hides her jealousy and envy, her wrath and her vindictive character while she puts you down and backstabs you to other of her secret political group chats. Still, she won’t tell how much help, services, urgent favours, and money she got from you as she convinces others how bad you are to her, or how you maltreat her or how you have been demonising her, even if you don’t do it, but she convinces her gullible accomplice bullies and backstabbers, malicious toxic friends and toxic netizens which swallow her polemics with destructive hunger as they love to be spectators of drama, bullying, conflict, hate, shaming and petty useless bashing. She accuses you of what she is guilty of and the dark shades of her character, which she hides from everyone.
She would make you feel that your motherly role and your love for cooking are less important, and she would imply that she who hates to cook, but she boastfully tells you that she makes more money and brings home money than anyone who is “just staying at home and doing nothing.” That is how she would demean a full-time mother or work-at-home mother whom she victimises in asking funds and services, but she won’t give any importance if such work-at-home mother is self-employed. She would control and stalk, and waste your time as she robs your precious time and your savings, to be spent to the demands she asks from you.
She would earnestly like to know where your husband works. If she cannot get this information from you, she will use her accomplice financial political harridans to get the information. A financial political parasite or scammer and her accomplice in their group of political money begging operandi has profiled you already before approaching you in real life or befriending you in Facebook under one of her many aliases, and with her intentions to use you, take advantage of you, and discredit you after she gets what she wanted from you.
She would ask you if you are a friend of so and so in real life or social media. Usually, she would mention the names of those people whom she had scammed in the past, whom she had verbally abused in the past, whom she had aggressively attacked in the past. She will make sure that you are not in familiar friends of any of her past victims, thereby you have no one to verify once you start to see the signs of her opportunistic user character.
Even if you are intelligent or streetwise, there is nothing to be ashamed about it if you have been screwed, used, abused or scammed because an expert financial scammer who has escaped accountability from people whom she scammed big time in the past expertly knows how to use your trusting character, your obedient and righteous character, generous, empathic, compassionate, kindhearted, forgiving, and helpful nature and most of all the political naivety: are where, why, what and how she would attach easily on you, using her magnetising halo of advocacy.
If she cannot get the donation or urgent favour or services immediately, she would use pity and victimhood effect, fear-mongering, paranoia tactics and dramatic lies under the halo of supporting an oppressed person or political party or political person who seemed to be “Super Immaculate Clean Hero,” with a master poker face in its convincing moods and modes of public denials. She would pretend to be a lawyer or immigration officer while she threatens others who asked for clarity and transparency where their donations went. She would even kick out in their group chats, where she asks for donations the people who verify about their help given was received or not yet received by the recipient.
She would accuse you of giving personal informations when her other victims caught her in her multiple deceptions and calumny and would make you as sacrificial lamb to be blamed when others of her past victims expose her modus operandi financial global begging ways.
When she needs them again, she would create new group chats and find an excuse to accuse someone and convince everyone that she is being bullied or harassed or she would throw blame to others, using her pity effect and victimhood drama, attaching to your compassion and generosity. She expertly escapes responsibility and accountability from her multiple deceptions to cater her global financial modus operandi because she knows that she has the quantity or the number of cyberbullies and political agitators and digital aggressors in social media as her ally or supporters, and she feels protected, defended, trusted and relied upon by politicians or former politicians who also use her indispensably for their agenda.
Take note that an abusive financial, political scammer is not a liar, not a deceiver, not a con, not a coward, not a thief, and not a criminal under the eyes of the politicians and people who benefit from her lies, deceptions, money collections or delivered services.
However, a political, financial scammer is a monetary sucking parasite to those whom she had taken advantage, cheated, deceived, scammed and verbally, emotionally, psychologically and aggressively repeatedly abused: that is when she sends threats, blackmail and intentionally hurt her scammed victims by subjecting them to character assassination, libellous slander, cyber lynching and discrediting the people whom she asked donations, and whom she asked for help and urgent favours or services.
A political, financial scammer uses many aliases while asking donations from many people from various countries and she won’t reveal her real full name or identity or where she works or her address but will get all those pieces of information from you and the others when she recruits you to join her political party. Your personal details are essential to a political, financial scammer.
She would also like to know what is the job and where your spouse works. Knowing where your spouse works, the political, financial scammer knows where to send her threats, blackmails and disturbances when the financial, political scammer realised she could no longer manipulate you or deceive you or extract donations and services from you; then she becomes vindictive, and she would do anything to hurt you and shame you, and that is the time when she would attach to your spouse and send threats to create havoc, and to silence you or intimidate you.
Inflicting fear to her victims or targeted new victims is a mastered manipulative and cunning skill of political, financial scammer. There is no use of meeting or having a dialogue with a political, financial scammer even if she blackmails you or threatens your spouse. What is the use of meeting a political, financial professional scammer after three years that she has taken advantage of you, and her next level is to send you threats?
A political, financial scammer is excellent in her psychological warfare oppression tactics and a master provocateur, instigator and agitator of emotions, anything that would serve the collection of political funding or her/their politically influenced monetary begging.
You have to set firm boundaries that she is no longer welcome in your life especially if she was able to be closer to you by posing as a real friend but actually, a needy fake friend who only remembers you when she needs you when she wants to use you when she needs cash donations, when she needs urgent car services for her very important political houseguests, when she begs for airfare donations for her visiting politicians and entourage to be credited to her bank account and not to the legit organisation’s bank account, and when she asks urgent services/favours.
For the political, financial scammer: it is all about what she can get from you and how she can use you, and later she would discard you like a toilet paper after using you, duped with her shits of unending lies under her halo of magnetising “advocacy” which can be anti-corruption, seeking of justice and ending impunity. She would deny that she didn’t ask your help. Still, she would tell her audience or her political dependent and parasitic aggressive allies, that it is under the spirit of your “volunteerism” however, it is her cunning, “Machiavellian manipulation, and habitual well-calculated opportunism.”
However, she won’t tell anyone about her multiple lies and pressures when she sends you messages and an e-mail at 2 a.m. pressuring you to agree to what she is asking/demanding. Her manipulative skills to get the help from you effectively, while she omitted the underlying pressures of her deceptions when she used to lure you into agreeing to what she asked for, is unknown to the public eye or the very important political figureheads she serves. She can lure you with that great advocacy for humanity, seeking justice, ending impunity and defend human rights. Once she gets your trust, you are a source of her added income, as such financial, political scammer effectively gets her unscrupulous ways in using you to the fullest.
A financial, global political scammer would group her targeted donors by countries and various group chats using Facebook, Viber, What’s App, and other forms of media communication where she has the full control: where she extorts funds. She would use drama, lies, hate, fear-mongering, polemics mongering and urgency of the matter, victimhood pity effect tones, and she would demand or request services or ask urgent favours pressuring you for an immediate reply as she manipulated you not to reflect appropriately on the matter of urgency she asks or demands.
After two or three years, when a financial scammer changes tactic by using her real name or putting her partner/spouse’s family name in her social media HTML address, like as if in The Emperor’s New Clothes, she would bare herself, to be honest, and real to prove to her crowd and future financial donor victims, and to the political figureheads she serves: how wrong was the testimony coming her past scammed victims who discovered her various aliases while begging for political funds: that is only to convince that she is not what her other scammed victims revealed about her.
The political-financial scammer is convinced that you or the others cannot prove how to connect her other aliases from her old to the current ones. She sees to it that she does not leave any internet trails but if you are a very good investigator, researcher, critical thinker and analyst, you would find trails even how she had been scamming ten years ago. She drops her disguise to be more productive and convincing while at the same time, she expertly lies. When you keenly observe a financial scammer, you don’t focus on the truth she says. Instead, you spot her multiple inconsistencies, and spot her lies of omission, lies of commission and lies of influence. Watch carefully the patterns of her deviant behaviours how she gaslights and manipulates people.
A financial scammer is expert in reversals and twisting anything, any issues, and any situations as she blames others, frames up others, creates forged pieces of evidence to twist the truth, and commits libellous slander to destroy or to damage the integrity of her victim or victims who asked for transparency, scrutinised and discovered her global financial modus operandi.
When the stakes are high most notably in protecting herself, she will resort to blatant aggression: cyber lynching, verbal attacks to destroy you in her various group messaging as she engages in cyberbullying, engaging to spreading gossips or calumny against you in her private political groups, she would even concoct lies to destroy you to the politicians, political figureheads, or public servant who know or trust you or to your friends and common friends in social media.
She would take the credit for everything she took advantage of you, and she can resort to forms of hidden aggression. Hidden from the public eyes are her threats, intimidation, extortion and blackmails. Her aggressive ways of trying to ruin your integrity, credibility, persona, character and reputation and your trustworthiness by encouraging her accomplice bullying friends and their political party, coalition, and aggressive groups by branding you as mentally ill, a threat, a risk, a danger, a screaming person, a Sisang Baliw, a depressed person, a quarrelsome person, a person who attack a woman named so and so, a person who is jealous of a historian, journalist, columnist and writer of a newspaper, a person abandoned by an ex-husband and a crazy woman who lost custody of her daughters. She would try her best convincing her digital aggressive flying monkeys mob lynchers that you are a bad woman, a traitor or a bad mother.
Anything that can destroy your integrity, credibility, reputation, and trustworthiness, she will say, write, and tell them, convince them and gas light them, with one aim: to destroy you or try to damage you or ruin you.
She would commit all these forms of falsehood, destructive lies, libellous slander using her flying monkeys or cyber digital aggressors and political cyber bullies as they shame you by their cyber lynching. Even if you debunk her lies and public cyber lynching or you disengaged from her cyber bullying provocations, she will find a way to ruin you privately. That was how she tried to destroy her past scammed victims ten years ago.
This political, financial scammer would post screenshots of forged pieces of evidence to prove to her private and public audience everything she accuses of you is the truth, her corrupted version of the truth.
She forgets that the truth cannot be multiple. There is only one truth, and she can never change the reality of the fact that she is a financial scammer.
Her scammed and abused victims whom she could no longer manipulate because they know the truth about her are considered as traitor, enemy, toxic, quarrelsome, red-tag them as leftists, friends of communists, fame whore, ambitious, backstabber, mentally ill and any worst damaging accusations she could concoct to brand them or accuse them, so they are deemed to be eliminated in their circles, be shamed and be discredited. Her hidden, evil vindictive and vengeful character sees to it that the people know the truth about her deceptions shall suffer.
She will inflict that destructive karma using social media cyber lynching, public bullying and private group political bullying and libellous slander to try to ruin you or to damage you. If you have the weak mental and emotional strength, you will succumb to her economic, financial, emotional, verbal, psychological, manipulative, aggressive and abusive ways. Still, if you are gifted with an honest heart, a very resilient, sharp mind, and a brave soul with pure intentions, she shall fail in all her efforts to destroy you.
She misses out to remember that liars are losers and lies do not triumph against the truth. The one who thrives is the one with an honest heart, the truth triumphs.
The truth is never in the hands of any political, habitually abusive financial scammer and their accomplice political harridans.
The truth is not an ally of the political assholes, political bitches and political, financial parasites nor the political figureheads which use the Machiavellian ways of a political, abusive, financial scammer.
While she twists the truth and intentionally targets to ruin the integrity, reputation and credibility of her scammed victims who found out her deceptions; she would do anything to hunt for her next target donors or victims, protect her powerful political connections, and added source of living: that is her financial scamming.
When the accomplices of the financial scammer and all those who benefited from the financial scammer’s ways, call to unite – there won’t be any genuine unity because of their deceptions, envy, digital aggression and other forms of aggression hidden from the public eyes, greed, and political power play opportunism!
~ Angelica Hopes, an excerpt from my inspirational, political, literary novel, “Calunniatopia”
Post Script:
There are also political harridans (women) who keep on asking donations for their political agenda, political purposes, political campaigns – and in exchange they promise to add you in their private political groups. If and then you give in, and you will be added in their political groups: inside it you will witness their mob lynching or cyber lynching targets: whom they want to silence, whom they want to “oust,” and they campaign and urge members trending posts, they provoke, incite, meddle, and create to push what is trending, they share a lot of malicious gossips and destructive calumny, they inflict fear mongering, doubts, and polemics mongering and they ask you to check what so and so post, they ask you to join their underground groups when they plan and target to shut down twitter accounts, Facebook accounts, Facebook pages accounts of people they target to silence. When you don’t give in to their manipulation, you become the target of their calumny, libellous slander and you become a target of their shaming, defamation, slander, and they will dehumanise you and even create planted screenshots, planted intrigues and target groups and people where they want you to be ruined. That was what they did to me when I refused to join their underground group, I refused to give donation from January 2019 to February 2019 but years before that they had asked donations from 2017 to 2018.
If anyone asks for your donations:
- Check the passport or I.D. and the real name of the solicitor or the one asking for donations.
- Check first if the organisation, political party, or coalition or association she uses is legally, officially registered in your resident country
- Check and verify first if he/she is authorised to collect donations in behalf of such political party, coalition, association or organisation
- Be sure that the donations are forwarded to the bank account of the organisation not on the solicitor’s personal bank account or relative
- Do not trust easily people who carry various aliases while asking/begging donations.
- Do not participate nor get engaged with the drama, lies, chaotic issues of a coward, con, manipulator, deceiver, liar and repetitive abusive offender/Opportunistic User, and do not welcome them in your home.
- Never give her a copy of your passport or your spouse’s passport no matter how she tried to paint that the political figure heads she serves are “immaculately clean heroes politicians,” and how she paints that the political organisation, political coalition, political party has no budget and that they have the most honourable, humble advocacies. Check, investigate and analyse how certain funds end up to their smear campaign videos, smear campaigns and all forms of black propagandas they can concoct. Think again that your hard earned money would just end up in the political power play of unscrupulous political movers and the politicians who benefit from those lies and donations.
More valuable tips: - Never trust any manipulators, liars, coward, backstabbers, traitors and false friendships. Never trust people who abused your kindness, honesty, sincerity, generosity and goodness.
- Never let your guard down by being too soft-hearted, generous, kind, forgiving, even if the habitual offenders never apologised for their years of repetitive economic, psychological, emotional, aggressive verbal abuses, as such vindictive political parasitic harridans only come back to your life and approach you because they will again use and abuse you and discard you like shit. Their habitual dishonest, deceptive, intrusive, opportunistic and abusive ways or means do not justify their ends nor justify the halo of their magnetising “honourable advocacy” when they try to ruin or damage people whom they asked for favours, help, donations, time, services, savings, resources, urgent help, and trust under the most defensive reasons under the halo of “volunteerism.”
- Do not be a doormat of any compulsive and/or pathological toxic liars who are opportunistic, manipulative, deceptive, intrusive, aggressive, vindictive, and abusive. If you choose to help, then help the marginalised sectors, the ones truly in need not through these unscrupulous political movers who hide under many aliases while begging money around the globe, as they also finance the globe trotting travelling entourage of former politicians, who even support the libellous slander and cover up the abusive ways of their unscrupulous political movers financial political parasites who took advantage of other people’s time, goodness, resources, savings, help and trust.
- Never trust a person who hides under a man’s name and she asks you donations, foods and groceries to be delivered in her house, and demands urgent services.
- Never give airfare donations for politicians as asked by the political beggar of funds who hid under many aliases nor be carried by her drama, lies, victimhood effect and pity effect just to latch on your generosity using an advocacy.
- If you wish to help or give donations, give it to to the ones who are truly in need, the marginalised sectors or help your own family but not to these deceptive, lying, manipulative traveling politicians and their traveling entourage of such politicians.
- Never trust a person who hides under a man’s name, who never told you her real name, and she asks you who among your friends support the same political leanings or political figure heads she serves and to give those FB names to her (they will be her target people to ask donations).
- Never trust a person who claims to be an immigration officer or even a lawyer but at the same time she asks and demands from you to pretend and address her as a man in her various political group chats she formed and where she asks donations and funds for her political agenda.
- Never trust the individuals (political harridans/opportunistic toxic fake female friends – abusive trolls in social media) who come unannounced in your home, one who pretends as a man in social media and asks funds or donations and at the same time asks you to join their underground groups where they shut down or mass report social media pages or social media accounts they target to silence.
- Never trust a person who sends you threat, shames you, slander you repeatedly for many years and intentionally hurt and attack you repeatedly after she has extracted funds, donations, urgent favours and services.
- Never trust a person who hides under a man’s name and she intentionally tags and brands or red tags your friends as “communist, friends of communist.”
- Never trust a manipulative scammer person and flying monkeys of that abusive political harridans who intentionally slander you by branding you as: threat, risk, danger, mentally ill, brain damaged, a woman abandoned by her husband and lost her daughters because she claims that you are a bad mother, she claims in public that you quarelled with a lawyer and that you are jealous of journalist/historian and they would slander you by posting fabricated screenshots of their pathological lying and smear against you, by spreading calumny with their aim to destroy your persona, trustworthiness, credibility, reputation and integrity.
- That financial political scammer can transform from her man’s alias name into her real name to prove that she is honest while she escapes the responsibility and accountability of her scamming, libellous slander and the smear video campaigns they produced and spread as they aim to destroy their target victims of their calumny, black propaganda and smear campaigns.
- Investigate thoroughly and search for other victims of such financial political scammer, victims of deception, aggression and abuse that can date back ten years or more in your resident country and other digital global victims of her financial begging of funds for political agenda under the “halo of charity or her calculated volunteerism” feeding her opportunistic goals.
These are just some lessons I learned from 2017 to 2019 which are all the themes in my Stronzata Trilogy Novels.
Related articles which I wrote about it:
Beware of Financial Political Parasites Who Issues Threats
Avoid Cyber Trolls, Fake Named Netizens Financial Parasites
Stop Cyberbullying. Stop Group Digital Aggression
How To Fight Disinformation, Defy Abusive Trolls, Resist and Avoid Toxic Netizens
Be a Mindful Netizen
© Ana Angelica Abaya van Doorn

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