Be a Mindful Netizen and Citizen
Do Not Be a Creator of Calumny nor a Pedlar of Defamation

Defamation: the echo of a bad conscience.
~ Theophilus
The greater truth, the greater libel.
~ English proverb
Whoever conceals hatred is a deceitful liar, and whoever spreads slander is a fool. ~ Proverbs 10:18
For those who spread calumny through defamation or libellous slander, are you sure you know the truth?
Destructive and abusive scathing remarks matched with swearing, character assassinations, defamation, slander, libel, shaming in an argument or in a debate, disrespectful, harmful, spreading of calumny and lies, black propaganda memes which destroy the goodwill of any committed person or organisation, and the rabid, obsessive daily bashing in various social media network, the bullying hate memes used in the digital memetic war in order to spread lies and calumny which are hungrily eaten by gullible, misinformed people, gossip and rumour mongers, and thirstily drank by those who have deep hatred, unresolved anger, economically suffering, frustrated with grief, loss and despair and those who are sailing in a boat of victimhood and vindictiveness, and political trolls and their abusive false messages and defamatory posters, or in a click of a finger of these abusive netizen warriors or bashers execute their karmic revenge by spreading hatred, calumny and lies, overshadowing logic, the truth, and facts, and their vitriolic ways in the digital world are all toxic to the mind, emotions and health.
The abuse and misuse of social media network contribute to disharmony, misunderstanding and division instead of harmony, cooperation and unity in improving one’s family, barangay, village or district, town, city and country.
It is caring and mindful and not to forget to ask ourselves these relevant questions before posting anything on social media:
Does it help my family and me? Does it help others?
Does it provoke to anger?
Does it lead towards enlightenment?
Is it true? Am I honest?
Is it necessary?
Am I saying or writing it in a diplomatic, kind and compassionate way?
Am I appreciating or pulling down others?
Do I want to win the argument?
Do I want to be always right?
Did I truly understand his/her viewpoint?
What can I learn from his/her message?
Is it correct or false?
Do I tactfully correct the person?
Am I so prejudiced, sensitive, illogical, emotional or rational?
Am I judging or misjudging others?
Does it unite or build harmony in our country?
Can I help with meaningful development?
Many ignore or forget that the disrespectful and abusive misuse of social media spread more rage, misjudgments, defensiveness, violent streaks, destructive confrontation, false accusations, manipulation of facts, offensive destruction of truth, proliferation of lies which later become the twisted “truth” for the gullible minds who later become mules or carriers of posters to spread polemics, furthermore inciting heated emotional provocations, screwing psychological weakness, crashing the confidence and good will of others, and the vicious hatred which may contribute to various cycle of domestic violence, further division leading to a more divided society/country.
Instead of moving towards the solutions of socio-economic problems, educational development, and strengthening the values, the aggressive, abusive behaviours of many add more to the cycle of verbal, psychological, physical, and emotional abuse. The deterioration of values, lack of cooperation, and lack of focus to concentrate on the macro and micro-economic priorities which are being slowed down by political treachery through the engagement of many netizens in committing destructive, disrespectful, toxic and abusive behaviours when they become one of the pedlars of defamation, calumny, fake news, destructive rumour and polemics mongering through planted destructive lies and dangerous intrigues, and libellous slander.
I’m sharing a gentle but firm and wise reminder that when we use the social media network or deal with others outside the social media, it is best to be factual, truthful, diplomatic, honest and respectful.
Defamation, slander, libel, calumny, cyberbullying, bullying, and destructive pathological lying are all forms of abuse.
It is wise not to submit yourself in any kinds of domestic violence: physical, sexual, psychological, emotional and economic abuse. Humility or being good does not mean submission to violence and those repetitive offenders. You have a right to defend yourself from any kinds of abuse. Be firm when you may tell the habitual offender to stop with her/his crap and stop his/her destructive lies. However, if the offender and instigator may continue to do it, be reminded that any digital aggression shall always have a karmic backlash to the abusive and toxic netizen. In worst cases involving cyberstalking, stalking, threats accompanying their libel and slander, you can choose to file a lawsuit against this habitual destructive and abusive offender, and it is wise to check the cyber law in the country where you live.
You can still disagree, debate, argue or discuss in a rational, logical, healthier, professional, diplomatic manner and not attack personally.
No matter your gender, religious belief, political affiliation, civil status, socio-economic, educational and cultural background, being truthful, having mutual respect and meeting minds are essential.
Be wise to spot the abusive manipulators, political, financial parasites and thief, the coward, the gaslighter, polemics and rumour mongers and be very wise to spot the fake names and various aliases of habitual toxic offenders in social media.
Authentic, deep listening and empathy are necessary for a much better understanding and a healthier communication form.
It is best to listen without defending; it is wise to speak honestly without offending.
Amidst diversity, treat others with respect with mindful awareness towards harmony, and without sacrificing one’s ethical, spiritual, social and moral values.
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