Abusive Trolls online can be real deceptive, offensive, manipulative, intrusive, vindictive and abusive persons not just bots.
A troll online who happens to be a real, coward, manipulative, deceptive, opportunistic, person can also be a very manipulative, deceptive, opportunist, financial parasite, an abusive repetitive offender that can continuously use or maltreat you even for many years because they attach to your kindness, sympathy, compassion, generosity and for a humble cause or advocacy.
This kind of deceptive troll or opportunistic person can maltreat you, give you a threat, then the morning after, the troll would pretend and ask innocently:
“What happened? That wasn’t me.”
When you confront them to stop with their lies or to cut their crap, confront them with the truth and facts, be sure that you are not breaking the law.
The troll can easily change his/her name or alias then twist with his/her lies, alibi and in his/her group chats would blame you as his/her final scapegoat and would use his/her flying monkeys and apologists in a group chat bullying.
They can accuse others of cyber bullying but they are the instigator themselves of digital aggression but they would hide their kinds of bullying from the people they want to impress or the people who can protect their irregularities and deficiencies.
A troll online who happens to be a real person is also a gas lighter, a manipulative, emotional and psychological abuser who would do anything to blame stuff on others and lie repeatedly only to escape his/her own blunders, his/her own deceptive ways and his/her own deficiencies.
Better wisely recognise an abusive troll who happens to be a real person who is hell-bent to use you and maltreat you.
You are only seen as an object to use not as a real friend. This kind of real person/troll is only abusing your generosity, kindness, sincerity and honesty.
They just don’t thrive in social media, they can suddenly knock at your house door, come in your home unannounced/without an appointment, then pretend to forget something in your house, then when that real person troll comes back, she would ask for funds or donations, and then spread libellous slander about you when they realised they cannot manipulate or use you anymore.
An abusive real person troll can even issue a threat, in a group chat to prove of their power over you and/or accuse you of attacking or quarrelling him/her when in fact he/she is the instigator and original offender.
A troll can act like a victim in a group bullying audience device he/she would trap you and even if he/she is the repetitive offender and habitual opportunist, and he/she would even engage on prank calls and would use another person to check on your location or whereabouts.
An abusive real person troll would play around at you emotionally, like sick sadists.
From my experience: it was not only a troll online but a real person who uses others and extracts resources, favours and manipulate you to be his/her messenger and to do things for him/her that may lead you to lose good friends and even prohibit you to do the right thing by inflicting his/her fear-mongering and his/her paranoia.
The wisest way is to cut off links with such manipulative abusive person and the friend of friends of such opportunistic, manipulative, offensive and abusive person/troll.
Such real person troll can cause you chest pains and that person can hurt you deeply because of the trust you have given such person.
I posted this on April 11, 2019. I am sharing it again.
Do not mention names or expose names when you denounce the scammer or the abusive troll/person. They can use that against you for libellous slander as they cry loud to be a victim of digital bullying.
When you denounce scammers, liars, manipulators, offenders and abusers, do not show your emotions because that feeds the narcissistic supply of the liar and/or maladaptive vindictive narcissist and do not break the law.
Be truthful, factual, diplomatic and firm.
Do not get engage in cyber bullying even when you are telling the truth.
There are diplomatic firm manners in expressing the truth without being a toxic netizen or being a bully.
I only share the lessons learned, behavioural patterns of a coward, con, manipulator and opportunistic person, and the wisdom learned from past experiences.
Remember not to break the law and to be always respectful, truthful, factual and firm when you have to say NO to the abusive, deceptive ways of the abusive troll/person and when you try to STOP the deceptive and abusive when you confront liars, manipulators, deceivers, con men/women, aggressors, instigators, offenders, thieves, users, flying monkeys of maladaptive narcissists, abusers, stalkers, cyber bullies, repetitive offenders, and habitual scammers.
Live with an honest, respectful and truthful spirit that doesn’t crash nor abuse the generosity, compassion, empathy, trust, kindness and sincerity of other people.
~ Essential Wisdom for Life
Read this very informative link from Ragain Chastain for a complete guide to understanding and dealing with online trolls:
The Complete Guide to Understanding and Dealing with Online Trolls

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