La mia vulnerabilità
tocca un cuore onesto,
un cuore che aiuta
e non chiedo nulla di ricambio.La mia vulnerabilità
a credere e avere fede
a pensare alle gente hanno un buon cuore
ma dargliele la mia intera fiducia
e dopo ti gettano come una merda.Ho imparato dalla mia vulnerabilità:
quelli opportunisti maliziosi
possano prima come veri amici,
ma ti usano come un tappeto
ad arrivare al loro piano.Per loro non ti fregano niente,
e ti buttano come una merda
in un cestino marcato:
una pazza, una minaccia,
un rischio
e un pericolo.
15 agosto, 2017, ✍ Angelica Hopes
© 2017 Ana Angelica Abaya van Doorn
English Translation of my Italian poem:
My vulnerability
Touches an honest heart
A heart that helps
And I don’t ask for anything in return.
My vulnerability
Was to believe and trust
Think that these people have good hearts.
But to give my entire trust to them,
and after they threw me like feculent matter.
I learned from my vulnerability:
When the malicious opportunists
Come and pretend like true good friends,
But they will only use you as a carpet
To arrive at their plan.
For them you are nothing
And they throw you like the faeces,
In a trash can marked:
A mentally ill person,
A threat,
A risk,
A danger.
Author’s retentive memory and special note while in Rome, March 2019:
I wrote the poems, “La fregatura” (The Rip Off or the Con) and “La mia vulnerabilità” (My Vulnerability) on June 2017 and finished its last three stanzas in August 2017.
There are three pathological liars involved in the cunning ways of “The Rip Off or The Con,” are still living their deception, guilt and complicity on a pile of lies that are stuck in their expert lying minds. They appear pure and harmless but they operate with traps and toxic power play as they continuously abuse the kindness, generosity, honesty, trust, and sincerity and resources of their target victims.
I will never forget the libellous slander, polemics, calumny and destructive ways of some manipulators, liars, coward and toxic political power players.
Being very forgiving does not mean you extend trust nor be mistreated again as a doormat or an object by the maladaptive narcissists, vindictive opportunists, digital group bullies, cyber aggressors, coward, liar, polemics mongering, gossip mongering, toxic, manipulative, oppressive, deceptive and abusive repetitive offender/offenders and/or perpetrator/perpetrators.

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