Quando l’ipocrisia respira
in qualche amicizia
tocca sempre la gente
con la fregatura in mente.La batosta di incolpare
il tuo sincero, buon cuore
per lavargliele le loro mani
dai loro malintesi.Fa perdere meno tempo
a colpire la sua vulnerabilità
come usa e getta
quando non ti serve più nulla.
17 giugno, 2017 © Ana Angelica Abaya van Doorn
This is the English translation of my Italian poem:
“The Rip-Off or The Con”
When hypocrisy breathes
In some friendship
It touches always the people
with cunning/con/opportunistic minds.
The blow to blame
Your sincere and good heart
as they wash their hands
With their misunderstanding.
Less time are lost
To hit someone’s vulnerability
like a disposable one
when you don’t serve for her anymore.
Author’s retentive memory and special note while in Rome, March 2019:
I wrote the poems, “La fregatura” (The Rip Off or the Con) and “La mia vulnerabilità” (My Vulnerability) on June 2017 and finished its last three stanzas in August 2017.
There are three pathological liars involved in the cunning ways of “The Rip Off or The Con,” are still living their deception, guilt and complicity on a pile of lies that are stuck in their expert lying minds. They appear pure and harmless but they operate with traps and toxic power play as they continuously abuse the kindness, generosity, honesty, trust, and sincerity and resources of their target victims.
I will never forget the libellous slander, polemics, calumny and destructive ways of some manipulators, liars, coward and toxic political power players.
Being very forgiving does not mean you extend trust nor be mistreated again as a doormat or an object by the maladaptive narcissists, vindictive opportunists, digital group bullies, cyber aggressors, coward, liar, polemics mongering, gossip mongering, toxic, manipulative, oppressive, deceptive and abusive repetitive offender/offenders and/or perpetrator/perpetrators.

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