You tend to see me
from a past you remember.
Selective choices.

Perceptive actions,
Historical impact plays:
decision making.

You tell what matters
for you and some other folks.
Application picks.

You wish to change things
for what others deny you.
Transformation knocks.

From the heart you say
which can touch towards changes.
Growth happens slowly.

From the mind you stir
which points to holistic ways.
Do it with patience.

From within your soul,
breathes lasting optimism.
Respect. Faith. Hope. Love.

~ Angelica Hopes, haiku




Photograph and Text © Ana Angelica van Doorn 2017. All Rights Reserved.


Philippine-born Swiss author, poet, memoirist, aphorist, ghostwriter, multi-genre novelist, freelance writer, Indie author, publisher, and an Italian-English translator. Dedicated mother & loving wife, and a multi-lingual travel and nutritarian diet enthusiast. I love to read, write, listen to audio-books, cook, bake, reach out, and travel. Ana Angelica Abaya van Doorn Nom de plume: Angelica Hopes

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