Iedere klacht is een gratis advies voor verbetering. ~ Els Borst
It means: “Every complaint is free advice for improvement.”
In italiano significa: “Ogni lamento è un consiglio gratuito per miglioramento.”
Is frequent complaining your coping mechanism in facing disappointments, difficulties and frustrations?
Are your complaints rooted in loss, grief and despair?
Are the reasons for your complaints significant enough to be considered towards the good path or to serve vices?
Does your grumbling carry combined loads of anxiety, tiredness, insecurity and frustrations?
Do your complaints express your unbearable pain?
Is your helpful protest for the better or best welfare of many?
Is your incessant complaint a way of putting pressure, tension or putting down your target subject or person?
Are you complaining disrespectfully?
Why do you find pleasure complaining while offending others?
Is your whining done just to connect yourself to others in the same boat?
Are your excessive complaints to get something off your chest?
Do your complaints represent inactions from the past based on your high expectations?
Do your complaints carry responsibilities that brought down viable projects due to negligence on your part or from the others?
Is your complaining good or bad? Necessary or Unnecessary?
Do your complaints serve some form of healing?
Are your lamentations some form of revenge?
Does your complaint ask for truth and justice?
Are your complaints stand for a suffering voice of an abused person?
Is the root of your complaints about a malicious, offensive perpetrator?
Do your complaints rise from shadows of lies and ignorance?
Does your whining breathe together with laziness, boredom and restless fault finder thinking?
Does your twin blames and lamentations build walls to protect lies?
Do your complaints help build a fortress to protect the truth?
Are your complaints toxic or healthy?
Can your continuous complaining lead you to an inner serenity?
~ Angelica Hopes, Landscapes of Inspirational Thoughts
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